Wednesday, January 25, 2017

5 Beauty Detox Waters

Le Palais Hair Lounge
Le Palais Hair Lounge - The experience you've been waiting for.

5 Beauty Detox Waters

One of my resolutions for 2017 was to start drinking more water because it’s really very important for so many reasons. I, above all people, understand how boring plain old water can be. In turn, I’ve started having fun by researching detoxifying waters! They’re so delicious and I’ve already started to see benefits, so I’ve decided to share a few of my favorites with you!

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

This one is my morning favorite! It’s full of Vitamin-C and it is guaranteed to give you the perfect boost to jump-start your busy day! It’s super simple and you’ve probably got the ingredients sitting in your fridge right now! Delish.

2. Anti-Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

I know the word anti-inflammatory is kind of strange. I’m not talking about Advil or Tylenol, what I’m talking about is puffiness and bloat! This water is the best to indulge in the day before you’ve got somewhere special to go, and even the morning of! This tasty detox water can help us with some of that excess belly bloat and even the bags under our eyes.

3. Antioxidants

Antioxidants - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

This water is the most antioxidant rich of all. Antioxidants are so good for us all, they help our bodies in so many ways. Keeping us healthy and fighting off chronic diseases is just one, along with heart health, and prevents aging. Plus, I just really love strawberries.

4. Headache Relief

Headache Relief - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

I’m one who suffers from headaches almost every day so this specific detox water happens to help me out a lot. The green tea helps out a lot due to its natural caffeine. One of my many weaknesses is soda so this has helped me with weening off the soda a lot! It’s a great mid-day boost to get me through those afternoon yawns.

5. Hydration

Hydration - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

This one I call the magic detox water. Thanks to the cucumbers it’s ultra-hydrating! That’s not where it stops though. This one also helps to curb appetite and aid in digestion. I mean, what could be better than that?

The way I store these delicious waters is to make them in pitchers or mason jars and keep them labeled in the fridge. Whenever you’re ready, grab one and go! Try them out yourself and let me know your favorites!

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5 Beauty Detox Waters
Le Palais Hair Lounge.

from Le Palais Hair Lounge

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Winter Beauty Essentials

Le Palais Hair Lounge
Le Palais Hair Lounge - The experience you've been waiting for.

Winter Beauty Essentials - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

I know I’m not alone when I say that the winter gives me the blues. Ugh – everything is so dark and dreary! It’s really easy to let negativity get the best of you and not want to leave your couch next to the fireplace (yes, that’s where I am right now). I’ve gathered up a few of the most essential beauty tips you’ll need to conquer this cold winter!

1. Bain Satin and Lait Vital

Bain Satin and Lait Vital - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

If you haven’t already seen our Facebook post about this amazingly moisturizing duo – here’s the low down! We weren’t surprised when we found out that InStyle Magazine had ranked Bain Satin and Lait Vital 2016’s BEST shampoo/conditioner for dry hair!! If your hair is dry but seems to get oily fast, this pair is made for you! They’re packed with amino acids to keep each strand super clean without robbing you of any moisture. Want even better news? To celebrate, we’ve got them both on sale for $25 each!

2. Shea Butter

Shea Butter - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

This is a biggie when wintertime finally rears its ugly head. This season is especially tough on our knuckles and palms, so it’s important to keep them moisturized. As for us hairstylists, our hands are constantly wet in the sink which causes them to dry out and crack. For this tricky one, I recommend Kiehl’s Ultimate Strength Hand Salve. This cream has tons of shea butter, avocado, and sesame oil. It works by completely covering your hands and locking in the moisture!

3. Facial Moisturizer

Facial Moisturizer - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

We all know the importance of consistent facial moisturizing!! This is an easy step to overlook but you wouldn’t leave the house without brushing your teeth – would you? I hope not! Try and make some time in the morning before your makeup to apply moisturizer, better yet, put it on before bed and let it soak in overnight!! My recommendation for this is Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion. Cetaphil is safe for sensitive skin, super moisturizing, and the best part is that it’s budget friendly! (Available in your local drug store)

4. Chapstick

Chapstick - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

There is no worse feeling than going to pucker up to your cutie and feeling nothing but dry crackly lips – yuck!! Our lips are so sensitive and we don’t even always realize it! They need sunscreen, moisture, and love just like the rest of our skin. Lips tend to age quicker and wrinkle quickly so keeping a good chapstick on you at all times will only benefit you in the long run! My favorite is Aquaphor Healing Ointment. It’s been said by two celebrities (Drew Barrymore and Zendaya) that this is a 5 buck everyday essential. It clears up chapped lips, reduces redness, and helps any matte lipstick go on smoother!

5. Baby Oil

Baby Oil - Le Palais Hair Lounge, NJ

Such a classic, you almost forgot about it! Baby oil is the absolute best!! So I’ve got 2 favorite ways to use baby oil, let me explain. Number 1, is using baby oil as soon as I step out of the shower. It makes my skin super soft and supple to let anything else I put on my skin really absorb in. Number 2, is to remove makeup! Sounds weird and almost like it’d be too greasy, but it’s really not! It’s a soft, sensitive way to remove any and all buildup of bronzers, mascara, eyeshadows, etc.

Winter Beauty Essentials
Le Palais Hair Lounge.

from Le Palais Hair Lounge

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Goals and Resolutions for 2017

Le Palais Hair Lounge
Le Palais Hair Lounge - The experience you've been waiting for.

Goals and Resolutions for 2017 - Le PaLais Hair Lounge

Happy New Year, ladies! I cannot believe it is officially 2017. If you didn’t already know, I’m getting married this year!!! It seems like something I’ve only ever dreamed about but in a few short months, it will be a reality! Well, with a brand new year, comes brand new goals. With my wedding ahead of me, I’ve got quite a few on my list that I’d like to share with you in case you’re looking to better yourself in 2017 as well!

1. Stay Organized

Stay Organized

This is a big one for me with the year I have ahead of me! Between classes, wedding plans, work, life, etc…things can get crazy! Call me old fashioned but I love to carry around a weekly planner. I’ve already purchased my 2017 planner and have it all setup! I write everything down or else I really will forget. I still use my iPhone to keep track of things, but I’ve never been one to put all of my trust into technology. Nothing beats pen and paper to stay on top of your to-do lists!

2. Be Healthier

Be Healthier - Le PaLais Hair Lounge

I know this sounds like quite the cliché but, hey, I’m only human! I’m not ashamed to say I want to look (and feel) great in my wedding dress! I’m not talking about depriving myself of pizza for the next six months. I just mean to start making some healthier choices. Drinking more water, eating more veggies, and taking the stairs never hurt anybody!

3. Learn More

Learn More - Le PaLais Hair Lounge

I speak on behalf of all of us at Le Palais when I say, I can’t get enough of learning! It’s a serious goal of ours for at least one of us to attend one class per month! Trends are always changing, especially in this industry! We feed off of our education because it keeps us up to date. These aren’t any plain old math class; hairstylists host the best classes by far…they even include frequent dance breaks! I’ll be attending a class at Bumble and Bumble in NYC next week actually — starting off the new year right and I cannot wait!

4. Save Money

Save Money - Le PaLais Hair Lounge

Isn’t this everyone’s goal? I’m all for spending money and having a good time (as I think we all should!), but I do also enjoy saving some money. House hunting and weddings don’t pay for themselves. About 5 years ago I read an idea on Pinterest called a “5 Dollar Jar,” and it’s exactly what it sounds like. Someone came up with the brilliant idea of saving up all their $5 bills! It sounds crazy, but they don’t come as frequently as singles or twenties. When I did this the first time, by the end of the year, I was able to put half in the bank, and I purchased myself my first iPad with the other half! This time around, we plan on using our $5 jar for the honeymoon! I’m telling ya, grab an old mason jar and try it out for 6 months! Come summer time, you’ll have a couple of extra bucks to spend on vacay!

5. Grow My Hair

Grow My Hair - Le PaLais Hair Lounge

I’m known to usually rock a long bob. I love the way it looks on me with funky beach waves. With the wedding coming up, I’d really like to have my hair a little longer in order to put it up for the big day! I’ve done all my research and followed my own advice from previous blogs. Along with applying Bumble and Bumble’s Full Potential serum every morning, I’ve also started taking biotin daily, as well as doing frequent hair masques. Believe it or not, my hair has grown over one inch a month! If you’ve been paying attention to me, you know that hair only grows an average of 1/4 inch per month, so this is a huge deal! I do plan on keeping up with my new regimen, along with getting regular haircuts, and we’ll see where I’m at by the end of the year!

2016 was by far one of the best years ever for me, so I’m really looking forward to how 2017 is going to top it!! I hope through today’s blog I’ve inspired you to sit down, think about where you’re at and where you’d like to be! Set some goals for yourself and watch yourself crush ’em!

Goals and Resolutions for 2017
Le Palais Hair Lounge.

from Le Palais Hair Lounge